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Viktor Dianetics

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What is the mind? - Free Lecture What is the mind? - Free Lecture [4597]
What is the mind? How does the mind works? What can you do about the problems caused by the mind? These are the questions you can get answers to at a Free Lecture on the mind. Contact us and book your place today! Dianetics Centre 64 Middle Abbey Street Dublin 1 01 872 0007
2017-04-20 22:27
Problems in School? - Learn How To Study Problems in School? - Learn How To Study [4605]
Overfilled classrooms, underachieving students and “learning disorders” are today all too common. Teachers struggle with classroom management problems while principals ponder the correct levels of discipline to control unruly students. At the same time, adults worry about holding their jobs as technology...
2017-04-20 22:27
How a weekend can change your life How a weekend can change your life [4451]
The fact is, there is a single source of all your problems, stress, unhappiness and self-doubt... It’s called the reactive mind—the hidden part of your mind that stores all painful experiences, then uses them against you. Not only will Dianetics show you what and where this source is, it will show...
2017-04-20 22:27
Tools for Overcoming Financial Stress Tools for Overcoming Financial Stress [4683]
FROM STRESS TO SUCCESS With Scientology breakthroughs that provide the natural formulas to handle a financial crisis, you can stop worrying over “finance.” When you know and understand the principles in this course, you can control your own future and elevate yourself to your higher objectives. Duration:...
2017-04-20 22:27
How to get motivated course How to get motivated course [4198]
How can I accomplish more? Here's how to really get going in life Morale is boosted to high highs by accomplishment. In fact, it can be demonstrated that production is the basis of morale. — L. Ron Hubbard How to Get Motivated Course To accomplish your goals, you need personal drive — and active...
2017-04-20 22:27
What is happiness? What is happiness? [4378]
"Happiness could be said to be the overcoming of not unknowable obstacles toward a known and desirable goal." - L. Ron Hubbard To learn more go to: www.scientology.org
2017-04-20 22:27
How to Get and Stay Motivated (Free Lecture) How to Get and Stay Motivated (Free Lecture) [3904]
Fired up one day, dead the next... Sounds familiar? Have you read motivational books that made you feel great on Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday you were back to the same old mindset again? Do you ever make decisions to change what you are doing, be a different person, be more disciplined,...
2017-04-20 22:24
What Stops You From Creating the Life You Want? (Free Lecture) What Stops You From Creating the Life You Want? (Free Lecture) [3465]
Have you read motivational books that made you feel great on Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday you were back to the same old mindset again? Do you ever make decisions to change what you are doing, be a different person, be more disciplined, create a life you love, etc and then the next week or even...
2017-04-20 22:24
The Mystery of Self-Confidence (Free Lecture) The Mystery of Self-Confidence (Free Lecture) [4085]
Have you ever been in a job that you didn't like but you were too scared to quit? Wanted to ask someone out for a date but the fear of rejection stopped you? Had to speak in front of a group but couldn't? Felt anxious and "not yourself" around certain people? Your success in life is often...
2017-04-20 22:24
The Key to Reach Your Full Potential (Free Lecture) The Key to Reach Your Full Potential (Free Lecture) [3844]
Do you want to improve your life, but after a certain amount of progress you always feel like hitting a wall? Have you read motivational books that made you feel great on Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday you were back to the same old mindset again? Do you ever feel creative and productive,...
2017-04-20 22:24

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