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User/Project name:Simon
Firm name:Guard Patrol Products
Site:https://guardpatrolproducts.co.uk/produc t/care-management-systems/

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Care Management Systems

Date posted: 2021-11-15 08:18

if you are providing care to the highest standard and following all of the various health care guidelines and an incident occur or a complaint is made, how can you accurately prove that your staff was performing their duties correctly and that you have fulfilled your duty of care obligations?

Our proof of presence systems uses an electronic data collection device to record when your staff member visits a resident, to record the actions that they take and to record any process undertaken like a firewalk, checks for spillages in public areas (to minimize slip injuries) and when areas are cleaned. All of these duties can be substantiated for evidential purposes at the click of a button on a computer keyboard, to produce an unalterable “Proof of Presence” report for the time period associated with the incident or complaint and which confirms staff presence, the action taken and the processes undertaken.

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