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User/Project name:Viktor
Firm name:Dianetics Centre
Site:https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/how-to-get-y our-confidence-back-free-lecture-tickets -30294810594

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How to Get Your Confidence Back (Free Lecture)

Date posted: 2017-04-20 22:27

Here are some life-changing questions you may want to ask yourself….

Why don’t you have everything you want in life?
Why aren’t you dating that person you really want to go out with?
Why do you stay in a job you don’t like?
Why don’t you enjoy life more?
Why aren’t you happier?

Your success in life is proportional to the amount of self-confidence you have.

If any of these apply to you or somebody you know and want to help, attend our upcoming free lecture and find out:

- The basic reasons why you lack confidence in yourself
- Why people experience "confidence roller-coaster"
- What steps you must take to get your confidence back and to help others regain theirs too

A free lecture you don't want to miss!

18:00 - 19:00
Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Dianetics Centre
Church of Scientology Mission of Dublin
64 Middle Abbey St
Dublin 1

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