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Dr. John Demartini Dublin Event Secrets to Financial Success Revealed

Date posted: 2011-03-04 13:49

Dr. John Demartini Dublin Event Secrets to Financial Success Revealed

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered how is it that some people seem to be able to create enormously wealthy and satisfying lives? Why is it that the vast majority of people struggle day-to-day and often fail to make ends meet? What is the “secret” to living a wealthy, healthy and happy life?

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Well, that’s what Dr. John Demartini’s Secrets to Financial Success evening event is designed to do…to assist you unlock your true wealth potential and ensure you get past whatever it is that’s holding you back from being financially empowered.
Did You Know That…

* 90% of people will be flat broke within 3 months of losing their job
* Only a measly 3% of people retire Financially Independent at age 65
* The 97% of people who are struggling financially have never spent the time to undertand why!

Dr. John Demartini is a world renowned human behavioural specialist and best-selling author of ‘How to Make One Hell of a Profit and Still get to Heaven’. In this powerful evening program, he will share his 36 years of research and hands-on experience in transforming the financial lives of those he’s taught.

He will assist you understand why and how ‘the human factor’ is the sole determinant that underpins your ability to build true success in wealth creation. You will be taken through some of the principles of financial empowerment and introduced to practical exercises that will shift your wealth perspective assisting you to break through the setbacks, blocks and challenges regarding wealth building.

The Star of ‘The Secret’, Dr. John Demartini in Dublin,
Date: Friday, 11th March 2011
Venue: D4 Ballsbridge Inn (Former Jurys Hotel), Dublin 4
Time: 7.30pm to 9.30pm
HURRY! Don’t waste a single second, RESERVE YOUR PLACE NOW!


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