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One day 'women only' workshop with experts Donna Kennedy and Caroline McDonagh - September 11th, Dublin.

Date posted: 2010-09-02 17:08

Be The Amazing Woman You Were Born To Be!

Do you want to feel amazing?
Do you want to look amazing?
Do you want to learn how?

Your life can be amazing.
Donna and Caroline are here to show you how!

One day 'women only' workshop with experts Donna Kennedy and Caroline McDonagh - September 11th, Dublin.

Donna Kennedy, best selling author and entrepreneur, had several very difficult challenges in life, challenges that would ordinarily make the average person crumble. But determined not to take hardship lying down, she made a decision to learn the secrets of success and happiness, so that she too could become successful and happy. Although her confidence was in tatters, she travelled worldwide to meet some of the world's greatest teachers, including Mark Victor-Hansen (author of Chicken Soup for The Soul), Bob Proctor (from the movie The Secret), Tony Robbins' son Jairek, Brian Tracy, John Boyle (owner Boyle Sports), Bill Cullen, etc. and the world's greatest entrepreneurs, personally gleaming information from them that most would only hope to read in a book. Transformed into a confident dynamic woman, she has been on almost every radio station in the country, national papers and is regularly interviewed on television. She will show you how you too can become a confident, happy and successful woman, no matter where you're at in life!

Caroline Mc Donagh, is one of Ireland's top nutritionists and mind-body experts. She has appeared on several television shows and regularly features as an expert in national newspapers and magazines. She has shared the stage with many world famous people, including Bob Geldof, Jack Black, Richard Wilkins and Nigel Risner - and for good reason. She truly is an example of human willpower. Caroline contracted a debilitating illness as a teenager and was practically written off by medical professionals all over the country. However, by implementing a specific mind-body health system, also used by anti-ageing expert Bob Delmonteque, she defied all odds and is now a healthy, vibrant and inspirational woman. She will teach you how to look your best and feel amazing!

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