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Stop recognising the Queens Civil & Commercial Courts

Date posted: 2010-11-16 15:46

Stop recognizing the Queens "Civil & Commercial" Courts

All this stuff …

We know that many people are concerned with poisons in their drinking water,

chemicals emitted by aeroplanes into the atmosphere, genetically modified or

enhanced foods permeating the food chain, children & adults receiving chemicals

into their blood stream, as so called anti-flu and three or five in one vaccinations.

The Crown rules …

There is now overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that Bush and Blair and Co.

are directly responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the London bombings. We now

also have official historical references and evidence that the President of Ireland

swore an oath of allegiance to the Crown, & that the Irish LAW Society, Judiciary

and Court Services belong to and report to the Queen, to extract revenue for her.

Peaceful protest?

We could go on and on about corporate governance and the fascist regime, and

police states etc. that have taken hold of Ireland. None of us are very happy about

the fact that Mounted Garda and Riot Squads kicked, battered and beat our own

children on the streets of our so called capital city, in the middle of a peaceful protest.

We are morons …

The word peaceful-protest though, is an oxymoron. We are the morons in this case.

We should never have facilitated this situation. This beating up of our kids on the

streets was facilitated by us as irresponsible parents and adults.

In fact all of this stuff that is going on …

Repossessions, evictions, business closures, suicides, fines, taxes, tolls, fees,

electricity being switched off, people going hungry, emigration, unemployment,

charges, beatings and a whole host of other stuff is all our fault. We facilitate it all!

If our kids were not on the march, they would not get beaten up, on behalf of us.

We have and can implement remedies for ALL the above perceived problems. We are the remedy!

Peaceful Civil Resistance.

The answer is an old one. It is called “Peaceful Civil Resistance”! In the case where

politicians are looking to scrape more money from your flesh and blood by increasing

school fees to pay the European taxes to bail out banks, take your children out of college

for a month or three. Pay them (the university or college) nothing at all, do not participate,

give them NO revenue what-so-ever. Instead give you kid a library card & internet access.

Stop participating!

Don’t even bother to explain this to anyone. Just do it. Tell others to do it. Stop participating

and keep your kids away from the streets, where they will get beaten, battered and killed.

Let’s see how long the university and or college system would survive without your kids

attending or the attending revenue.

We the chattel …

Perhaps another question that should be raised here is … What and why are we educating

people once again for the export market? Over 700 people a week are now being exported

from our native land. We really have no idea how many people are being imported en-masse.

Unpaid Toll Notice Please!

You can bet your bottom euro that these people are more than willing, & many are already

working for wages way below any minimum standards or levels. The same goes for all the

other stuff … for example: The toll road charges. Apart from not paying for travelling on the

M50 by returning eflows notices, as “NO CONTRACT – RETURN TO SENDER”; we are

actively advising & encouraging everyone to ask for an “unpaid toll notice”, wherever there is

a blocked or barriered toll road. Carry a flip camera with you, if they refuse to issue you with

an unpaid toll notice, switch on the flip camera, and politely ask them on the record for an …

“unpaid toll notice” please. Remain polite & uncontroversial. Remember this is a Civil matter.

STOP paying Rates and Council Charges and Property Taxes.

This might force your local councils and councillors to sit up and start listening to the people

they work for. Thus far they have ignored you. Because your servants (civil) are on salaries

and pensions, they feel that they are above you and me. We all need to let them know who

they are, and what they have to do next, if they wish to continue in our employ. The most

effective way of letting them know, is by not paying them. Specifically ALL Politicians!!!

If the bank are making demands … STOP paying them.

They have no right to demand anything from you. They have already had their bailout, you

have not. When they do make demands, that is what we call extortion. You own them nothing.

Recognise it for what it is … extortion.


Finally …

Stop recognising the Queens “Civil & Commercial” Courts. Send back their paperwork.

Put the local or regional Sheriff on Oath and never-ever attend to any court invitations.

Do attend this …

On Saturday 27th. November in Horse & Jockey, Co. Tipperary, we will explain this in more detail.

“How to Legally, Lawfully and Peacefully STOP PAYING!”. Be with us from 6.30pm to 9.00pm.

We have lined up three great speakers … Harry, Vin and Darrell Please try and book ahead so we know

which room to book www.CommonLawSociety.eventbrite.com/ the secret access code is : open

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