Kuriama Sveikatingumo Stovykla Vaismedziu Giraite, Atiduodam sodinukus, Azuoliukai, Klevukai, Berzeliai, Liepaites patiems issikasti. Taip pat priimtume visus vaismedzius jei kas pasidalintu. :-) Rand
Vaismedziu Giraite
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How to Break the Fast [2599]
How to Break the Fast by J Fuhrman and Neal Barnard FASTING-AND EATING FOR HEALTH
Breaking the Fast—Food Never Tasted So Good
Finally—what most fasters have been waiting for. Most fasters look forward to
this day, although a few always want to continue, to make sure they have
totally cleaned...
2013-09-11 11:28
Does your child have some type of dis-ease or behavioral problem? Try this: Cut out company food & beverages for 5-30 days straight and watch what happens when you replace these lab-made foods (including bread, box food, gas station items, milk, cheese, & pasta) with un-cooked (or mostly uncooked)...
2013-09-11 10:36
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