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2nd Tournament for the Cup of the Russian Ambassador 2nd Tournament for the Cup of the Russian Ambassador [2324]
3X3 BASKETBALL 2nd Tournament for the Cup of the Russian Ambassador Palmerstown Sports Complex Oakcourt Avenue, Palmerstown, Dublin 20. Bank Holiday Monday, June 3rd. Boy’s 18- registration/warm-up 11.30am, games start 12 noon. Men’s Amateur Challenger registration/warm-up 1.30pm, games...
2013-05-28 14:16
20% OFF to all participants – Святослав Ещенко в День Смеха в Дублине 20% OFF to all participants – Святослав Ещенко в День Смеха в Дублине [3357]
20% OFF to all participants – Святослав Ещенко в День Смеха в Дублине Thank you for participation. Winner will be notified 30 of Mach 2012 If you buy a ticket and will WIN FREE entry, your fee will be refunded to you. 20% OFF to all participants. Regular price...
2012-03-31 16:36

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