Gender: Male
Birthday: 18 10 1982
My work experience in the past includes my work in Lithuania doing construction work for 5 years where I have gained the safety pass, also factory work where my job was food processing, in Northern Ir
Rolandas Gorodeckis
User's ads:
Looking for manufacturing job. [2497]
I have experience in manufacturing work where I worked two years in Sweden in a food processing plant I also have experience in a recycling company in Northern Ireland. I have PPS number and an available for work in Ireland. Contact number:- 0852361549.
2015-06-24 15:35
Any kind of job in construction sector. [2400]
Looking for any kind of job in the construction sector. I have safety pass PPS number, I am available to work in Republic of Ireland. I am a diligent worker. My past includes working in the construction sector.
Contact number:- 085 2361549
2015-06-24 15:28
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